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Fair Use Policy

Updated: 11 sep 2023

To ensure fair use across our users and customers, ESNTQ AB ("Essentiq", “we”, “our”, “us”, "Company"), a registered company in Örebro, Sweden, with Legal registration number 559266-2513,  has a fair use policy in place.  The Fair Use Policy is part of all Agreements for any Subscription Services.

With the fair use policy Essentiq makes sure that all users can make use of in the most reasonable way and that resources are distributed reasonably equally amongst users and customers.

In case of Customer's failure to comply with the Fair Use policy, Essentiq reserves the right to cancel the Customer's subscription and deactivate Customer's account. 

1. Fair use definition

Fair use is defined as usage of Essentiq that is reasonable within the constraints of a single user and doesn't hamper or risk any other users or customers in using the shared resources of the Service.

2. Measurement of fair use

Fair Use is measured per individual user. In case of a shared account with several users, Fair Use is measured based on the individual user’s usage of

3. Fair Use thresholds

Fair Use is based upon how many searches an individual recruiter would reasonably be able to source for in a given month.

Fair use is measured per individual user. 

The thresholds for fair use per individual user are:

  • 150 separate searches per month maximum

When Fair Use thresholds are crossed, the user will be contacted to notify them of crossing the Fair Use thresholds.

If thresholds are continued to be crossed, the user risks having their account deactivated.

‍4. Prevention of multi-use of single accounts

Use of a single account by several individuals is not allowed and can result in deactivation of Customer's account.

One user account is defined by the email domain that is used to sign in to an account, for example Essentiq tracks if separate individual users sign in with one and the same email domain. If that is the case, Essentiq will notify Customer and Customer risks to have their account deactivated.

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