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Increase productivity with seamless collaboration.

Invite team members to join you in the candidate search process. Share projects, track candidate progress, and enhance teamwork. Say goodbye to scattered spreadsheets and missed communications.

Coordinate candidate outreach.

Invite team members.

Share projects, candidate profiles, and insights effortlessly, ensuring everyone is on the same page and working efficiently.

Track activity.

See team activity, set statuses, and track candidate progress within your team, reducing redundancy and ensuring a smooth recruitment process.

Track performance.

See how your team perform, review outreach strategies, and gather input to make informed decisions that lead to successful hires.

Share notes.

Sharing notes and observations about candidates within the platform to facilitates efficient communication and decision-making among team members.

GDPR Compliant.

Our platform is GDPR compliant and designed to access only public information intended for professional use. 

How does it work?

Search for candidates.

Combine email and linkedin

Combine LinkedIn and email.

Track your results

Track your results.

Experience collaborative hiring.

Search for candidates

From junior to C-level, developers to lawyers. We find them all.

The latest from Essentiq.

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